Updated 2024-11-22 14:22:05

Lake Superior -> 2.0 Prey Species -> Age-1 Cisco Catch Rate

Reporting Interval

2017 - 2021



Meeting Target?

Does Not Meet

Indicator Trend

No trend



2.1.3 5-Year reporting period average age-1 cisco catch rate is greater than 4.17 fish/ha

The biomass trend of cisco in Lake Superior is largely influenced by the frequency and magnitude of recruitment events. The index of age-1 cisco abundance from the USGS bottom trawl survey is strongly correlated with the age compositions of adult fish captured years later by commercial and assessment fisheries. Therefore, the USGS bottom trawl survey is thought to be a good index of cisco year-class strength (i.e., recruitment). Catches of age-1 cisco during 1978-2022 (year-classes 1977-2021) range from 0.01-743.43 individuals/ha. The average index of year-class strength during 5-year reporting periods ranges 2.22-169.44 individuals/ha and the 50th percentile of the 5-year averages is 4.17 individuals/ha. The average index of year-class strength for the 2017-2021 reporting period is 2.22 individuals/ha which is the lowest of the time-series and less than the 50th percentile of the 5-year averages.

Figure 1. Mean index of cisco year-class strength by 5-year reporting period. Horizontal line indicates the 50th percentile. Note: year ranges indicate year-classes, not sample years.


The USGS nearshore benthic survey is a lake-wide, annual, bottom trawl survey. The survey began in 1978 and typically samples sites across Lake Superior waters from 10-140 meters in depth (Vinson et al. 2023).

Other Resources

Yule, D.L., J.V. Adams, T.R. Hrabik, M.R. Vinson, Z. Woiak, and T.D. Ahrenstorff*. 2013. Use of classification trees to apportion single echo detections to species: Application to the pelagic fish community of Lake Superior. Fisheries Research 140:123-132

Vinson, M.R., D.L. Yule, L.M. Evrard, and S.B. Phillips. 2023. Status and trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2022. Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Available at: LS_2022_FishSurveyReport.v4.FINAL.pdf (glfc.org)

Contributing Author(s)

  • Lake Superior Technical Committee -