Lake Superior -> 10.0 Nuisance Species

Lake Superior 10.0 Nuisance Species


Nuisance species

Prevent the introduction of any non-indigenous aquatic species that is not currently established in Lake Superior, prevent or delay the spread of non-indigenous nuisance species, where feasible, eliminate or reduce populations of non-indigenous nuisance species, where feasible

New intentional or unintentional introductions of nonindigenous aquatic species are not being prevented although new introductions may have slowed down. There has been a shift to more invertebrate introductions, as opposed to fish. Nonindigenous species continue to spread within the Lake Superior basin after introduction, however, many agencies have implemented outreach and education programs in an attempt to minimize spread more broadly across the Great Lakes basin. With the exception of the sea lamprey control program, no other widespread efforts were made in the Lake Superior basin to eliminate or reduce populations of nonindigenous aquatic species during the reporting period.

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Does Not Meet