Updated 2024-11-22 14:59:55
Lake Superior -> 7.0 Brook Trout -> Brook Trout Range
Reporting Interval
2017 - 2021
Meeting Target?
Does Not Meet
Indicator Trend
No trend
7.1.1. Proportion of historic streams with brook trout present
The Brook Trout Rehabilitation Plan (“rehabilitation plan”) identified 116 streams in the Lake Superior basin as historic coaster brook trout streams and collectively around Lake Superior, agencies have contemporary documentation of brook trout in 77% of these streams. No recent information exists on the status of brook trout in 27 (23%; 25 in Ontario, one in Minnesota, and one in Wisconsin) of these streams. Agencies have also documented coaster brook trout in 34 streams not listed in the rehabilitation plan using various techniques to confirm coaster life history from residents including radio telemetry, PIT tagging, genetic evidence, visual observation, angler reports, and agency surveys.
Other Resources
Mamoozadeh, N., C. Goldsworthy, L. Miller, N. Peterson, M. Meek. 2023. Sources of coaster brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) revealed by genomic analysis of brook trout populations along Minnesota's shoreline with Lake Superior. J. Great Lakes Res. 49(23).
Contributing Author(s)
- Lake Superior Technical Committee -